Endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage of a pancreatic pseudocyst
pancreatitis, pseudocyst, endoscopic ultrasonography, drainage.Abstract
Pancreatic pseudocyst is the most common cystic lesion of the pancreas. It consists of a collection of encapsulated intrapancreatic fluid lacking a true wall. It is caused by acute or chronic pancreatitis or abdominal trauma. Several complications may appear along its evolution, among which are associated septic processes. Endoscopic ultrasonography is at present the study of choice for its diagnosis and treatment. A case is presented of a male 31-year-old patient with a pancreatic pseudocyst drained by endoscopic ultrasonography who presented an infectious complication with favorable evolution upon administration of antibiotic therapy and endoscopic reintervention. The patient was followed-up by outpatient consultation. The purpose of the study was to describe the role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
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