Findings in preoperative endoscopies of bariatric surgery candidates
prebariatric endoscopy, obesity, Helicobacter pylori.Abstract
Introduction: Obesity is a multifactorial disease of difficult treatment. Bariatric surgery is a therapeutic alternative, but the indication of preoperative esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a reason for controversy in the global scientific community.
Objective: Determine the presence of esophagogastroduodenal disorders by preoperative upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in bariatric surgery candidates.
Methods: An observational descriptive study was conducted of 50 morbidly obese patients aged over 18 years and candidates for bariatric surgery who attended the Cuban Hospital in Qatar. These patients underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy from November 2017 to November 2018. The variables analyzed were sex, age, endoscopic findings, dyspeptic symptoms and the presence of Helicobacter pylori.
Results: Female sex prevailed and mean age was 28 years. Of the subjects studied, 96% showed endoscopic alterations. A high frequency was detected of erythematous / exudative gastritis, followed by reflux esophagitis (54% and 44%, respectively). Pyrosis was the most common dyspeptic symptom (69.2%) among symptomatic cases. A high frequency was found of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (54%).
Conclusions: Abundant presence was observed of clinically unrelated esophagogastroduodenal disorders in obese patients undergoing prebariatric upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Therefore, this test should be included in the preoperative study of all bariatric surgery candidates. The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection among morbidly obese patients was similar to that of the general population in their community.
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