Cystic pancreatic lesions; actual management by endoscopic ultrasound
pancreatic cystic neoplasms, mucinous cystic neoplasm, endoscopic ultrasoundAbstract
Cystic pancreatic lesions comprise a wide variety of lesions that are being increasingly diagnosed due to the more frequent use of imaging techniques and the aging of the population. Endoscopic ultrasound has become the best test for their characterization because it allows morphological study and fluid analysis obtained by puncture of the lesion, although its diagnostic accuracy for the detection of mucinous and malignant cysts remains low. The importance of proper characterization is the early detection of preneoplastic as well as malignant lesions and to avoid unnecessary surgery. Clinical practice guidelines differ about the indications for endoscopic ultrasound, surgical treatment and follow-up of these lesions. Questions specially remains in the management of side-branch intraductal papillary neoplasm because of their lower risk of degeneration and their association with pancreatic cancer. In this article we reviewed cystic pancreatic lesions, and the accuracy of different techniques, especially endoscopic ultrasound, by etiology diagnosis.
Keywords: pancreatic cystic neoplasms; mucinous cystic neoplasm; endoscopic ultrasound.Cystic pancreatic lesions comprise a wide variety of lesions that are being increasingly diagnosed due to the more frequent use of imaging techniques and the aging of the population. Endoscopic ultrasound has become the best test for their characterization because it allows morphological study and fluid analysis obtained by puncture of the lesion, although its diagnostic accuracy for the detection of mucinous and malignant cysts remains low. The importance of proper characterization is the early detection of preneoplastic as well as malignant lesions and to avoid unnecessary surgery. Clinical practice guidelines differ about the indications for endoscopic ultrasound, surgical treatment and follow-up of these lesions. Questions specially remains in the management of side-branch intraductal papillary neoplasm because of their lower risk of degeneration and their association with pancreatic cancer. In this article we reviewed cystic pancreatic lesions, and the accuracy of different techniques, especially endoscopic ultrasound, by etiology diagnosis.
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