Infection for Helicobacter pylori in patient with gastritis of policlinic Reynold Garc?a
gastritis, Helicobacter pylori, endoscopia superior digestiveAbstract
Introduction: Helicobacter pylori plays a key role in the development of digestive diverse diseases such as the chronic gastritis, the peptic ulcer, the gastric cancer and the gastric MALT lymphoma, so its timely diagnosis is essential. Methods: A retrospective, descriptive study was carried out in 337 patients assisted in the consultation of Gastroenterology of Policlinic Reynold Garc?a, of Matanzas, during 20152019, with diagnostic endoscopic and gastritis histologic, to those that were carried out urease test to confirm the infection for Helicobacter pylori. For the obtaining of the information the reports endoscopic were revised; the obtained data were picked up in a schedule created by the authors and they were captured in charts for better understanding. The biopsies wereArchivos Cubanos de Gastroenterolog?a. 2021;2(1):e34
analyzed in the Military Hospital Mario Mu?oz, previous coordination with the address of the center. Results: 337 patients were studied, 62.6% of them male and 37.4% female. Clinically, epigastric pain (93.1%) and gastric filling (36.7%), prevailed as the main reason for the indication of the endoscopy. Nodular antral gastritis (72.4%) turned out to be the main endoscopic diagnosis found and acute gastritis was observed in a greater number of patients (57.7%), as a histological diagnosis. The age group most affected by Helicobacter pylori was 25 to 34 years (35.8%) and males (44.2%). Conclusions: Male patients aged 25 to 34 were the most infected with Helicobacter pylori. Epigastric pain and gastric fullness were the main symptoms that motivated the endoscopic procedure. Nodular antral gastritis prevailed as endoscopic diagnosis and acute gastritis as the main histological diagnosis. A statistically significant association was found between male sex and nodular gastritis with the presence of H. pylori infection.
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