The Value of Conventional Abdominal Ultrasound in Diagnosing Gastric Cancer
gastric cancer, diagnosis, ultrasound, conventional abdominal ultrasoundAbstract
Introduction: Gastric cancer continues to be one of the main malignant neoplasms worldwide. The prognosis of the disease is negative, since 90% of cases are diagnosed late.
Objective: To validate conventional abdominal ultrasound in the diagnosis of advanced gastric cancer.
Method: Applied research study to validate ultrasound as a diagnostic technique for epithelial-type gastric cancer at the Institute of Gastroenterology, between May 2014 and December 2016. Conventional ultrasound was performed by two independent observers in 30 patients with advanced gastric cancer, confirmed by endoscopy and biopsy; as well as in 70 patients without gastric cancer. The ultrasonographic signs studied were thickening and irregularity of the wall, secretions, image of a pseudo-kidney, either as a polyp or target-shaped, and thickened folds.
Results: The mean age was 62.7?10.2 years. The male sex predominated. Wall thickening, mucosal irregularity and thickening of folds were chosen as ultrasonographic signs predictive of the occurrence of advanced gastric cancer. The highest percentage of positivity was obtained by the lesions located in the gastric antrum and fundus, accounting for 100% in both. Sensitivity, specificity, certainty, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of conventional ultrasound in the diagnosis of gastric cancer were 90.0%, 74.3%, 79.0%, 60.0%, and 94.5%, respectively.
Conclusions: Conventional abdominal ultrasound is a useful diagnostic modality in the diagnosis of advanced gastric cancer.
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