Polycystic liver disease, a rare disease



polycystic liver disease, liver cysts, kidney cysts


Polycystic liver disease (PLD), a rare congenital disorder, is more prevalent in females and is frequently associated with renal polycystic disease. Characterized by the gradual development of multiple cysts scattered throughout both lobes of the liver, it does not communicate with the biliary pathways. Typically, asymptomatic, symptoms arise when neighboring structures are compressed, including abdominal pain, gastroesophageal reflux, abdominal distension, early satiety, nausea, vomiting, among others. Abdominal pain is often the most frequent manifestation. Despite cyst growth, hepatic parenchyma is preserved, making liver failure exceptionally rare. Female gender, estrogen use, multiple pregnancies, and age are associated with gradual cyst enlargement and symptom onset. Diagnosis relies on clinical findings, laboratory results, and imaging techniques, with ultrasound as the preferred diagnostic and monitoring tool. Treatment options include cyst aspiration, laparoscopic fenestration, medical treatment with somatostatin analogs, and liver transplantation (considered the only curative treatment). This study presents a case of a male patient over 60 years with polycystic liver, renal, and pancreatic involvement?an uncommon scenario in Cuba due to the patient's age at diagnosis, multiple cysts in various organs, and advanced clinical presentation.


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Author Biography

Jessica Andrea Caraguay, Instituto de Gastroenterología

Médico General, Residente de Gastroenterología en el Instituto de Gastroenterología Cuba 2do año


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How to Cite

Caraguay JA, Vázquez Sánchez A, Puentestar Jaramillo AG, Lazo del Vallín S. Polycystic liver disease, a rare disease. Arch.cuba.gastroenterol. [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];3:e169. Available from: https://revgastro.sld.cu/index.php/gast/article/view/169

